Corporate communications consultant, public relations adviser and award-winning writer Adam Shelton is the principal behind Facttactic.
Adam Shelton
Adam has extensive experience in strategic communications — technical and corporate — for a wide range of organisations. He also utilises a network of talented writers, graphic designers and website experts for larger projects and specialist work.
Who we work with
Based near Wellington, Facttactic works for clients around New Zealand and overseas.
The list below, of some of the leading public and private sector organisations Facttactic has successfully completed project work for, is strong testimony to the skills we bring to assignments:
- Weta Digital
- HazardCo
- ANZ National Bank
- KiwiRail
- NZ Bus
- Dynamic Controls
- Colgate Palmolive
- Invensys Energy Systems
- Ministry of Social Development
- Infinity Group
- The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance
- MetaSwitch
- Wellington SCL
- Proceq
- Tectus Dreamlab
- Te Puni Kokiri
- Fuji Xerox
- Industrial Research
- Sanford
- Victoria University
- Meridian Energy
- New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
- Early Childhood Council
- Education Forum
Before starting out as a communications consultant, Adam worked as an editor and journalist, and before that as a software programmer from where his technology knowledge grew.
Allied with his daily work with words, Adam has a strong interest in the use of language, its possibilities and permutations.
That interest led to Adam winning two of New Zealand’s top awards for emerging fiction writers (the Victoria University Award for Original Composition and the Louis Johnson Bursary) in the mid-1990s.
Adam says the creative skills he has developed in his fiction writing have repeatedly proved themselves invaluable in bringing fresh but pragmatic approaches to commercial projects.
Professional affiliations
- Public Relations Institute of New Zealand member (MPRINZ)
- Technical Communicators’ Association of New Zealand member
Facttactic was included on New Zealand Trade and Enterprise’s now closed E-business Guide as a “recognised supplier of e-business products and/or services”.