Our technical-writer.co.nz site has had a long overdue refresh. Same interesting content but brand new look and feel. We like it!
Check it out here technical-writer.co.nz
Our technical-writer.co.nz site has had a long overdue refresh. Same interesting content but brand new look and feel. We like it!
Check it out here technical-writer.co.nz
MailChimp — the well-known, online, email marketing service — has its style guide for online content available online.
It’s a great resource for anyone putting words up on the web, in emails or on social media.
You can find it here: http://styleguide.mailchimp.com/
Looking for a style guide for a different type of writing? Here is an extensive list of style guides.
I know. Nearly two years since my previous blog post. Kind of a no-no in the online comms world, having a barely living blog as an advertisement for my comms services!
I could take the blog offline but there’s a heap of interesting stuff in here for you all to read.
So. Please. Browse and enjoy. And do as I say and not as I do, and keep your blog posts regular.
Regular posts are awesome as Google juice for the search engines. They help position you as a thought leader in your industry, and they keep a tidy front porch on your website.
Blogging: Keep it up or take it down is my advice, to everyone … but, er, yes, myself!
I’ve always had trouble cooking a poached egg: keeping its shape, stopping it sticking, fishing it out of the water — this week a recipe promising me the perfect poached egg (hallelujah!) appeared.
Celebrity Millie Elder-Holmes runs a blog that gives her take on health and eating and sells jewellery. The top recipe post was for poaching an egg.
Why was I there? It’s an expletive-filled tale.
More search requests are now being made on mobile devices than on personal computers — in the U.S and many other parts of the world, Google said yesterday.
So, the tipping point to mobile search is here, and earlier than some pundits thought.
All the more reason to ensure your website is mobile friendly, otherwise it is likely to be demoted in Google’s search rankings.
This is Luna, my part-German-pointer pup, back in March, at 12 weeks old.
She is quite a bit bigger now, still kind of goofy-looking and becoming much more knowledgeable about things.
Things? Well, after where the best cow pats are in the neighbour’s paddock (for, unfortunately, rolling on top of and snacking on), then also, how effective each of my commands are and which ones are easiest to ignore.
Luna likes my brand. It is a brand that says to her: affection, well-being, security and good food. But some of my carefully thought out marketing catch-phrases (well, ok, dog commands) don’t always get the correct response.