I often get asked, “how would you spin that?” Both by clients wanting advice and people simply having a conversation when they find out what I do for a living.
But, rather than being a spin doctor, any good PR person knows that the best results for clients lie in helping people to more clearly and transparently understand a client’s business. Knowledge = power, for everyone. Spin simply confuses and obscures.
Below is a doctor of another kind, who definitely understands that honesty is the best marketing/PR policy. His marketing of his ‘Heart Attack Grill’ leaves no sacred cow – food-wise – untouched and he is pulling in the customers because of it.
You may find cynical the grill’s apparent mocking of obesity health issues, but it is simply a burger joint that makes no attempt to pass off its regular burger joint food as other than what it is … and, yes, warning: high-fat content!
This blog should be required reading for all PR people! Great stuff!!!
Jeff, you may be interested to see that your client’s grill has, coincidently, made the media in NZ in one of our main daily paper’s online version: http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/photos/2530641/Heavy-going-at-the-Heart-Attack-Grill
Perhaps a NZ franchise necessary!